Friday, January 30, 2009

It looks like I may just meet my goal and get caught up with scrapbooking this month--it will be close! All these sick kids at night has actually made me productive. When Elizabeth just wants to be held and rocked in the middle of the night, I turn on my computer and scrapbook away. It keeps me awake!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm not sure how wild I am about this layout...but, hey it's done!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

This cold weather and having sick kids all of the time is helping me get some scrapbooking done (since we are stuck inside all of the time), but I am getting so anxious to actually be able to leave my house again! This past week the kids and I haven't left the house ONCE (well--that's not counting my trips to the doctors and the hospital with Elizabeth for her arm). With the nasty inversion, Elizabeth's arm, the freezing cold, and Owen having croup--we have been stuck at home and going a little crazy. At least I was able to be creative tonight while Matt watched a movie with Owen and the babes slept :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

I am amazed at how fast digital is compared to pulling everything out by hand! I can easily do about 3 layouts in an hour. I am totally cruising--I just finished the year 2007 for Owen!
So, I have started getting a little tired of all the supplies I have and am feeling like I am using them over and over, SO I went looking for some more free downloads.
I wanted to show you these two awesome sites here (for anyone interested). Shabby Princess has lots of free kits that are a great place to start or just add to your supplies.

And here. This is a blog that searches out all the digital scrapbooking freebies each day. There are so many! I even found this really cute camo kit that will be perfect to use for some of the boy's pages.

I was so excited to find them! (if any of you have other good links--send them my way)!

a few I have been working on:

Some of Owen's 2007 pages

The start

So, I am going to use this spot as a place to post my scrapbooking projects, links, etc. It was taking over my regular blog! It's nothing fancy--I kind of have a simple/plain style, but at least I am getting it all documented!
Hopefully, I will gradually see some improvement and develop some more skills.